The Unknown Starting Line
"I feel like I am standing at a starting line, I'm not sure what training I have
Two sorts of feeling small
Have you ever stood under a night sky and looked up, or gazed out over a
ridgecrest at the vista
E + Motion
This isn't some new theory of relativity, or an electrified version of movement
I am hoping to adopt
When moving feeds the pain
At last you cry out in anguish: "Why me?" God answers: "Why not?"
You can so
Finding Solace
Candles at temple in Khatmandu, NepalWhile my grief is unique to me, some form
of grief is a universal emotion
The first step is often the hardest
It's a cliche to say, but there is a lot of truth in it. We hold ourselves back
Welcome to my page
It is 4:48am on October 13th, I have not yet slept and here I am. Life has been