1 min read

The first step is often the hardest

The first step is often the hardest
Booting up the Pope's Peak col on a frigid day in March, 2019

It's a cliche to say, but there is a lot of truth in it. We hold ourselves back out of fear and ego. I get it, it's scary to start, it's scary to commit, to be vulnerable. There is fear of failure and judgment and, as is usually the case for me, a fear that I won't be good enough. I get overwhelmed by the task ahead. That same anticipation anxiety has eaten at me the night before a race, a big alpine objective, thinking about proposing, before giving Laura's eulogy, my first kiss after being widowed, quitting my job, applying to law school, for jobs etc... it has also eaten at me before starting this. I've been trying to get this going for over 6 months but have not believed that I have anything worth sharing - but you know what, fuck it! I've been through too much and sat too long in the pit - as with all hard, worthwhile things, you might as well try, so I'm taking the step and putting this out there!